I've finally finished up the last cover drawing in this series -

Initial thumbnail idea (which was subsequently revised) and the color comp -

Morning glories - which are fast growing, and scrumptuously and intensely colored - are not considered herbal/medicinal in this country. In China, the seeds have traditionally been used for their laxative quality, but be warned that in pets and young children they are "also considered poisonous and may cause digestive upset, stupor, hallucinations or even coma if enough are ingested". So, not recommended for anything but decorative applications.

They do make darn cute fairy hats though!

Here is the sketch for submission to publisher and Breyer...

...Aaaaand, the final drawing. I have a few tweaks to go back and resolve on all four covers, then will re-scan, print and start the marathon painting stage...
Nice drawing and color comp, Tara. So, how did you get so good at drawing horses?
Oh Richard, you are very kind. I love drawing animals of all sorts and thought I could 'draw horses' until I got this job! I've never had to have my animal anatomy critiqued by single-species experts like this one with Breyer! I nearly panicked when I figured out how closely I'd be scrutinized on these books. I've learned *tons* more about horse anatomy than I knew a year or so ago. Lots of horse observation, many many horse anatomy books, and much feed back from the horse owners in my critique group.... (It's made me very horse-self-conscious...)
People who talk about "horse-sense" have no idea, eh?
That final drawing is beautiful. I don't know if you see it, but I've observed significant improvement in your work over the past few years. (And you were good to start out with!)
Another winner, Tara. I love your reference photos too. I'm really enjoying your WIP's. Keep posting, okay?
Those fairy hats are so cool. Cover looks great too, I love Morning Glories, though we are having to cut ours back, it is so invasive, needs no water or anything: dry farmed jungle plant.
I love the color of your inspiration flowers and can't wait to see how you put it into the final piece. Still admiring you from afar.
that is just gorgeous :D love the butterfly on the bottom corner :)
Lovely drawing. Lovely horse.
And I want to wear a morning glory fairy hat.
Beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL!!!x
very beautiful and detailed- lovely work ;0)
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