These covers, which took *much* longer than I had anticipated, are finally 'in the mail'. (Which is also an amazingly time-consuming process: pressing, scanning, labeling, slip-covering, wrapping in plastic, reinforcing with cardboard, packaging in yet more board, labeling, and then taking it out to a FedEx shipper! *whew* It's always another half-a-day just to get mailed. Some days, digital art looks appealing...)
I have from now 'til the end of the year to hurry up and finish all the interiors! It's going to continue to be crazy-busy for the next few months....
Sorry. I miss you....
These are charming, Tara. I know they represent so much time and care. I am rooting for you as you knock out your deadline; one day at a time. great job!
So incredibly beautiful! I just love all the colors and details.
They look really great Tara!
I'm sure many people don't realise that illustration is as much a job of hard graft as it is inspiration and creativity. And as much as we are daunted by the deadline it has to get done. It's not a given though. I missed my last one by one day, after three months of work:¬) The Art Editor was probably on a beach somewhere anyway:¬)
Good luck. I want to see smoke coming off them brushes:¬)
Lovely work! I adore those raindrops!
I would love to see them framed and hanging on my wall...gorgeous work!
They look fantastic! Love all the delicate touches.
Whats with these comments posted in the wee hours? Are you artists all alike? Congratulations!!1 Elena
stunningly beautiful.
Lovely! They are unified and fresh and inviting - I think you accomplished everything you set out to do with these.
I am partial to the one with the 'Ladies Mantle' as I often think its subtle beauty is underrated. Thanks for raising its profile :)
Irresistible to little girls, for sure. The colors alone will have the books in their hands. All the best to you on your interiors.
These are AMAZING!! LOVE your dandelion puffs, too ;)
You are going to be very crazy busy... thank you for the peeks! Always great to see your fantastic talent!
Hope your weekend is wonderful~
Does the Chocolate Ambulance need to make another house call?
Just checking. :)
90-something? There aren't as many days left in the year! The best of luck to you! I hope the interiors will be much less time consuming. These are wonderfully polished.
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