We have returned...

...from the magical, mountainous land of art retreat...

...frigid nights, and sunny, crisp days....

...and wild mushrooms - hunting and eating galore!

Lots of art - drawing, painting, felting and intaglio printing for starters.

It was heavenly. One of the best-loved week-ends all year.
[Unfortunately, I returned to find that the raccoons had a festive weekend also - in my chicken coop. I am now sadly, sadly down two chickens... My sweet Pearl is acting confused and lonely...]
I can't wait to read and see more about what I'm sure was a fabulous getaway.
Great picture of ice - although I really am rejecting the notion of ice altogether right now :)
P.S. Sorry to hear about your chickens.
Love the "frosticles" and mushrooms!
But so sorry to hear about the chickens,Tara.
Poor chickens. What a horrid homecoming after such a lovely weekend. Am very impressed by your fungi forage. We have none over here yet, thanks to very dry autumn.
Horrible raccoons >:(
What amazing mushroom finds!
Sorry about the rotten racoons, I didn't realize they were that way. I knew they stoled eggs, the meanies. Love the pics. Sounds like it was heavenly.
Oh wow, this is nothing short of mesmerizing! What a lucky artist you are--can't wait to see how this will inspire your art. How can it not?
As you know, so sorry about the chickens. Raccoons are really wicked despite their fashionable stripes and Zorro masks. Completely envious of your mushroom finds.....
So sad about your poor chickens.
Did you read Susan Orleans recent article about chickens in the New Yorker.
Really a fabulous article.
Sad story. Elena
oh no :( poor Pearl :(
Lovely photos of your weekend!
But I am so very sorry about your chickens. That's just awful. Coyotes decimated a friend's entire coop last year. It was quite traumatic for everyone.
Yum, Tara, it looks as though you had an altogether delicious retreat! I hope you feel rested & ready to go, all fired up for the marathon you have ahead. Good luck with the painting, im sure you can do it x ruthieX
ps: so sad to hear about your poor wee chickens. Exactly the same thing happened to moms!
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