For each of the books in the
Wind Dancer series I've done around 25 interior spots (give or take). And depending on the complexity, they all pretty much go through the same process which I thought I would share with you today.

After getting a copy of the manuscript followed by the art-request list, I initially do a number of very very rough, scribbly thumbnails (left scribble). They are really rough - and nearly unrecognizable to others - but it seems to be a step that is necessary for me to go forward.
After the initial scribble, I do one or two drawings that refine it further (middle sketch above). If it's readable, and I think I am depicting the image being requested, I can submit it at that point to make sure we are on the same visual page. In this case, no. So another sketch is submitted (image on the right). Again, no.

So, yet another drawing (left) - this one accepted. After the submitted sketch is approved, I draw a 'clean', refined one (middle drawing). The final drawing is scanned, cleaned up as necessary in Photoshop, and then print I out small, multiple copies on bond paper so that I can do value and color studies (far right) and also on watercolor paper.

Here's me painting the final printout - referring to my color comp, as well as a
Trina Schart Hyman forest, since I love her tree colors. (tweetdeck, hulu and facebook keeping me company at my desk...)
Repeat 20 some times per book...
Most spots do not need so many revisions, more complex pieces, like covers, may need more. But regardless of the intricacy, I go through the same process with every piece I do.
Back to it - 13 more pieces to paint for this book.
Heeey, what are you watching on hulu? ;)
Just wondering, what are the final sizes on these spots?
:-) I was watching "White Collar" in this picture.
Most of these spots are painted at about a 5x5 square (reproduced much smaller).
I don't know how artists cope! Writing(re-writing) is tough enough.
Tara, I dips me lid!
Thanks for sharing the process- very much like what I do down to the Hulu!! watched a marathon of NY-LON yesterday as I stitched away- unfortunately only one season of a transalantic romance that ended in a cliff hanger!
Thanks Tara! I like your scribbles best because that scribble stage always gets me down, it's like "Why oh Why do I have to do this instead of being able to just jump in and draw what I see in my mind?". Glad to see that someone I admire has to do the same thing:)
Wow! That makes me tired. Elena
You should keep the sketches, someday they will be worth a fortune!
I love that Trina Hyman book. It's my favorite one of hers. I would have loved to see her originals.
Thanks for showing your process. Love your work, too.
Wow, it's like insight into a whole new world! You do great work Tara!
Blimey put me to shame. Once I've got something approved from rough I just bang it out, no colour comps or anything...I take my hat off to you!
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