This is the (nearly unreadable) store sign for "Arts Umbrella". We are tucked into a little back corner, nestled between a used bookstore, a really cool gift shop and an unlikely combo latte/watch repair place (called appropriately, "Coffee-Time").

There is a stairway outside of our window, but just past that is a charming little courtyard, complete with fountain.

This is the winter-version of our courtyard arches, shrubberies and pathway. In the spring and summer, this is one of the prettiest places in the whole complex with fountains of blooming vines and a profusion of flowers and herbs.

George is the village 'mascot'. He belongs to the coffee place a couple of doors down, but makes himself welcome everywhere. This is his food dish in the art gallery down the way. I tried to get a picture of him amongst the Chihuly glass knock-offs, but my camera batteries died at that moment and by the time I replaced them he'd gone on to the munchies. The gallery owner said she'd leave the door open for him all the time, but the ducks come in in droves, and they are less careful with the glassware...

A very small sampling of the critters the waddle about outside our storefront. There are any number of roosters and chickens and ducks and even a fairly tame rabbit or two that hang out under our parked cars or beg for crumbs as you walk down the brick paths or over the arched bridges past the dwarf contorted filberts and blooming heather...
Thanks for sharing this glimpse. Such a charming place, I'm happy you have such a great place to teach, and well, George, he's wonderful!
Yes, George is amazing - and greatly jaded from having his picture taken all the time (there are constantly people chasing him down with cameras). I'm still determined to get a few good shots of him and use him in something...
Thanks for the pix, Tara. It's nice to be able to put an image with Arts Umbrella now. Although I used to imagine it as more umbrella shaped, somehow...
It's enchanting! I want one! Can we have some more pictures later in springtime please?
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