
Thursday, April 13, 2006

Negative space week:

This is probably my favorite class to teach. It is such an empowering concept to draw spaces instead of things. Your Left-brain gets to take a rest and your right brain can really go to town. Almost invariably, my students end up with quite strong drawings - and are impressed with what they are actually able to do.

It's always interesting to view things from the 'negative' perspective. Shapes become inherently beautiful - regardless of the objects they surround.


andrea said...

I agree with your psychological take on negative space. It helped my students when I used to teach, and understanding its power made a huge difference to me. It has influenced me so much that I prefer to draw white-on-black now, and I spend as much time with the negative space in my paintings, looking for those abstract elements, as the positive space.

tlchang said...

Mmmmm! Drawing white on black is a very cool idea! I love seeing this way. One of the quotes from my class is: “Nothing is more real than nothing,”(Samuel Beckett) and in terms of negative space, I think that is true!