As I've said, my favorite time of year... The incredible variety of shapes, the multiple textures, the earthy aroma of fallen leaves, the sun glinting off of vibrant colors, the crisp feel of the air...
The leaves fluttering to the ground in golden showers with the occasional breeze... I have a new potential tag for this - rather than 'air decorations' (which I have never found satisfying) , how about 'nature-confetti'? Still not perfect. Any other ideas?
Beautiful clusters and stands of October color along the roadsides....
It is also finally cool enough to begin to indulge in that heated nectar of the gods - Dagoba Xocolatl Hot Chocolate! My taste buds, and blood-sugar levels, are doing the happy-happy dance of hot chocolately goodness!
Autumnal Quote for the day:
Autumn burned brightly, a running flame through the mountains, a torch flung to the trees.
--Faith Baldwin
Oh wow, your area looks beautiful! Doesn't it make a difference when the sun comes out?!!
Thank-you sooo much for your comment about the tiredness, I was actually starting to get a bit worried, as other people I've spoken to didn't get this tired...I'm glad it's not just me! So thanks :0)
And also (it's like you are reading my mind at the moment-hee hee), the quote about aiming too high or low, that's so relevant to me too at the mo! Would you mind if I borrowed it for my blog at some point?
I hope the rest of your October is so sunny and blue!
Bye for now,
It has been absolutely gorgeous here the past few days. I keep meaning to get out there with my camera, but I haven't done it yet. Glad you did.
Must check out this Dagoba chocolatey goodness. Love the solid form - hot liquid form has gotta be good! :)
what FANTASTIC colours!!!
Beautiful leaves!
i think it is nature's decor...or exterior decoration...the photos are beautiful...the words almost make me want to take a trip to the mountains...you make us stop...and think...blessings, rebecca
Lovely lovely. I especially like the dappled sunlight in the second one down.
Such wonderful warm colours. The leaves are just turning here. One tree outside the window makes me smile as I look at its lovely colours
AUtumn offers a golden crown with rubies and sparks of orange fire!
These are the colors I miss here: the red of the dogwoods and the pear trees (at last, I think these are pear trees, there in the last picture). You have captured fall's magic beautifully. Thank you for the quote, the first time I read it, beautiful imagery, "a running flame". A Shenandoa Valley drive would be great now, Pennsylvania too.
Beautiful pictures. Corey (tongue in Cheek) found the right words
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