I've been buried with sketches this week but submitted the last of them this morning, so I'd thought I'd treat you to another studio visit - this time of fellow
Suzy Cyr, and her SeaHorse Studio -
I try not to feel too jealous, but Suzy's studio is an addition on her house, so she got to design it from the ground up -
It is a large, lovely, sun drenched room with nearly floor-to-ceiling windows -
- and many, many, cool, thematic details -
Her art specialities range from
traditional illustration to large
watercolor or
Yupo paintings -
as well as
seaweed pressings and breathtaking
silk paintings -

A couple of years ago I blogged about
the stag that she covered in painted silk for the city of Bellevue (it is truly gorgeous - do follow the link). However, the stag was vandalized at one point, and Suzy was called to do repairs - which mostly consisted of a new set of antlers and some touch up. In a truly inspired stroke of whimsy, her husband mounted the damaged pair and they now hang proudly on her studio wall.

She's even designed her own tiles for her studio floor. So from top to bottom and everywhere in between, it is a delight and inspiration to experience.
What a great space! I love it.
I don't know about jealousy, but I am feeling a deep deep green of envy...all that light! All that space!
Tara can you imagine having this as your own!!! drool to have one like this!!
What a fortunate lady to have such a gorgeous inspiring studio!! No wonder her works are so
fantastic!She is truly a gifted artist! WOW!!Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful studio,
the tiles are out of this world!
Thank you for sharing this,
also the drapery post (vow, Tara, very brave, so much work, so little chocolate!), and the printer review!
What a delightful breath of fresh air [apart from the twit / vandal!]
Best wishes
I'm drooling with envy. I would never leave if that was my studio. It's beautiful as is her work.
The agony of it all. What I wouldn't give for a decent studio like that:¬( I'm sure the kitchen/dining room doesn't qualify:¬( It's a real stinky nightmare to work in when someone burns the toast!
I'm supposed to be a professional!;¬)
absolutely gorgeous! The luxury of being able to stretch your elbows!
and the tiles. especially the tiles. sigh.
Ah, what wonderful light!
Such wonderful space and sunlight! I visited her sight and I love her artwork. I will definitely be visiting more. I want to see all of it.
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