
Monday, April 25, 2011

Sunday Sketching - plus Easter chick(ens)!

Drawings from church today -
 Pen in the teensy purse Moleskine...

 (which makes the pencil look a bit anemic.... but I tired of having to 'look' so hard after awhile.)

In other news - at our critique meeting this past week, our hostess Suzy was incubating some Serama chicks (which are about the cutest tiny bantys you've ever seen! Look at the pictures in the link) in the studio where we gather. We were insanely lucky to be able to watch the last two break out of their shells!

Is that awesome or what???

She has 18 brand new, variously colored babies! Cutest little fuzzy things evar...

(and more - just cause they are darling).

And in a related story - Gertrude (studio chick #2 - the giant, partridge Cochin), has just gone broody.  She now sits in the nesting box all day and night all rumpled and grumpy (she'll hiss and peck if you try to move her to get at all the daily eggs from the other hens (that she steals and sits on. I've given her an egg-shaped rock so that she doesn't feel completely bereft...) Hopefully she'll return to normal in about a month...

Happy Easter to you!


Hayden said...

adorable chicks! don't you wonder how that changes their impression of humans... to literally hatch out in a hand.... amazing stuff.

d. moll, said...

OMG amazing!!!

Paula Pertile said...

Oh, LOVE the baby chickies!!!!!!!!