
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Succulent Saturday - Art Open

 Tonight was Krab Jab's "Divinity" art show (in which I have a piece) open.

 There was a fun, eclectic mix of Divination-themed art  -

 I felt in very good company - nestled here next to David Thierree and Heather Hudson-
(you can read about the various pieces of work and their artists on Krab Jab's blog).

 There was a full-house turn out -

 And fortune tellers! This gal reads stones - 

 -and this gal reads bones!

 She (Sindy Todo) and Terese Nielsen invented "Spikomancy" -

 - which those attending got to try out, and see their fortunes via railroad spike. :-)

 A number of the artists were in attendance. Here is Kree Arvanitas by her painting -

 Margaret Organ-Keen and her awesomely decorative kootie-catcher -

 Echo and Lazarus Chernik both had work in this show-

Intriguing sculptural collage from  Yvette Endrijautzki-

 Lovely tarot card from Erick Lingbloom -

 Dramatic oracular imagery from Heather Hudson-

 One of my favorite pieces of the night was Drew Tucker's soft plushy Haruspicy (reading animal entrails :-).

It was a fun night (thanks again to Julie Baroh for a great show!)

1 comment:

Bueller said...

Wonderful capture of event. So creative!!!